
Anuj Mubayi, Ph.D. is a Health Decision Analyst and Mathematical Modeler with an extensive background in academic research and in the healthcare industry. Dr. Mubayi currently holds many positions. As an Associate Director for one of the leaders in the field of medical sciences, Precision Medicine Group, he leads a highly qualified team of applied mathematicians, data analysts, and health economists at its advance modeling unit of PRECISIONheor. He has over a decade of experience teaching mathematics and holds faculty teaching positions at Illinois State University and Arizona State University. In addition, he holds Scientific Research positions at the Global Pervasive Computational Epidemiology project and at the Viral Infection Propagation be Through Air-Travel (VIPRA) project. Dr. Mubayi is also a Section Editor and Communication Editor for the international journal Letters in Biomathematics.
Dr. Mubayi is an expert in mathematical modeling and computational methods with a speciality in ecological modeling and dynamics of neglected tropical diseases in human populations. His work has been published in many peer-reviewed journals including but not limited to, Royal Society Open Science, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Collective Dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences, Journal of Transport & Health, PLoS ONE, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, Emerging Themes in Epidemiology, Tropical Medicine & International Health, Acta Tropica, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, Infectious Disease Modelling, and Mathematical biosciences and engineering: MBE. Dr. Mubayi’s work has also been featured on NPR.